
Criteria for Membership

Any male of at least eighteen years, in respectable standing in society and of good moral character, who was a native or resident of what is now the City or State of New York prior to the year 1785, or who is a descendant of any such native or resident, shall be eligible as a member. But whenever, and as long as there shall be six hundred and fifty members of the Society, no one shall be elected to membership unless he be the descendant in the oldest male line of a member or former member, and in all elections to membership the ballot shall be first taken on the candidates who may be descendants of members.

Membership is only by invitation of a member who will propose the candidate and elicit a letter from another member willing to second the nomination. Prospective members must be introduced as a guest at a Society gathering. The completed application with substantiating documentation and letters are submitted to the Society for verification by the Genealogist. Upon his approval, the file is presented to the Admissions Committee and with their approval, to the Board of Managers.

Candidates are generally inducted into the Society at the subsequent Stated Meeting. All new members sign the Society’s original 1835 Membership Book.

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